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SQS is cheap.

10m requests for $4.

You will need hundreds of millions of requests per month for it to be noticable.

And can an implementation like this even help you at that point?

Not just cheap per message, but queues themselves are free so there is zero “reserved” cost - it’s pay per message.

Add to that, it’s enormously scalable in terms of throughput and retained messages.

And it’s globally available.

A single file app is no comparison, really. The value of SQS is in the engineering.

Question: is there any feature set (in contrast to pricing) that would make it worthwhile for someone to switch?

Operations. At my $bigCo we are always rolling our own ops tooling for queues, as it’s more than just “reprocess message”; there is always some business logic that separates different types of consumers/destinations, and so q management is never straightforward. Might be a differentiable feature.

Can you tell me more about the types of queue things you need to implement? (Feel free to email me too - I’d be grateful for the feedback!)

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