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The Google interview process is overly focused on algorithm skills and absolutely does not select for character and trustworthiness. In fact the leaks from Google to the news started circa 2017 and in response the leadership basically neutered internal forums like TGIF and memegen. Remember the Damore incident? While Damore was wrong, it wouldn't be as big of a deal if the incident wasn't leaked to the press. It's clear that Google would be a much better company if its interview process actually accounted for character and trustworthiness.

The old article, Three Years of Misery Inside Google, the Happiest Company in Tech is still the best description of what went wrong inside Google: https://www.wired.com/story/inside-google-three-years-misery...

I have interviewed with Google. It's not explicitly tested for but you can be sure the interviewers will have an opinion of your character.

Also, (in the middle of six hours of interviewing) for lunch I lunched with someone completely outside of the particular group I was interviewing for. Rather genial chap and I'm sure his opinion was sought too.

I'm not downplaying the tech questions, I'm saying there's a meta/side evaluation as well.

There hasn't been a lunch interview since the pandemic. Everything is online. The old Google is no more.

Also I don't think Damore was wrong .. or right. He was certainly naive.

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