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Cooked him? They had a perfectly pleasant and interesting conversation for the first 75% of the talk - both regularly shooshing the clueless moderator.

Then at the end it turned more towards morality and Foucault showed himself to be quite clearly completely, illogically, disturbingly amoral - as Chomsky himself later more or less described him (a video which has been linked in other comments)

No person with a shred of moral character or intellectual honesty could ever conclude anything remotely close to Foucault winning, let alone "cooking" him.

edit: It starts building up to the real conflict/debate around maybe 45min, but it really becomes concrete at 54:13. Foucault just finished rambling about "destroy the bourgeoisie " and Chomsky says "surely you believe that your role in the war is a just role" and then further lays down some very sensible, insightful ideas about justice.

Foucault then says something to the effect of "the proles dont fight for justice, they fight to have power for the first time in history. One wages war to win, not because it is just".

Chomsky disagrees, but remains patient and extends an olive branch to him to say something less insane - suggesting that if such an overthrow would lead to a terroristic police state (e.g. the USSR, north korea etc...) , then I wouldn't want the proles to win. The only justification for such action is if one thinks - rightly or wrongly - that some fundamental human values will be achieved".

Foucault just doubles and triples down and they go back and forth.

YET, he even ends up agreeing with Chomsky by saying that the "suppression of class power" is the goal. Chomsky says ah hah, so you finally agree with me then.

And foucault just dodges it and rambles some more. Chomsky then again shares some beautiful and insightful, yet humble, ideas.

And then it ends.

Foucault - and postmodernism in general - is all about narcissistic resentment.

The link is here. Its very much worth watching. https://youtu.be/3wfNl2L0Gf8?si=954dTZp7G_C9PTMr&t=3255

Here are the two best tributes to Chomsky that I know of:

The Loneliness of Noam Chomsky by Arundhati Roy http://www.rarre.org/documents/roy/The%20Loneliness%20Of%20N...

When Chomsky Wept by Fred Branfman- https://www.salon.com/2012/06/17/when_chomsky_wept/

Absolutely beautiful writing about a beautiful person.

Sorry, but if you're gonna do the midwit whining about pomo thing, you gotta spell ressentiment the French way, them's the rules.

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