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"Feeling native" is overrated. Most users want a fast reponsive UI, THAT kind of "native".

They could not care less if this app is different from that app (they are 2 apps, duh).

They would feel annoyed though if the same app has different UIs because someone at Apple or Microsoft's has some opinion about UX

> "Feeling native" is overrated. Most users want a fast reponsive UI, THAT kind of "native".

We seem to have forgotten it now, but back in the day we had this idea that a platform should have a standard UI to which all applications conform, so that the user can transfer knowledge in using one application to all the others, and they don't have to memorize a dozen different ways of operating to use a dozen different applications.

To that end, dating all the way back to 1984, Apple developed user interface guidelines that specified things like how dialog boxes were to be laid out, what the various menus and options should be, and what were the keyboard shortcuts for common operations.

This was the revolution that enabled all sorts of creatives to integrate computers into their creative work, and for the longest time it was Apple's advantage in the marketplace. Mac users, many of whom were creatives in the print, graphic design, music, and film/television spaces, were very picky about their UIs because they spent so much professional time in them. If you did not conform exactly, down to the pixel, to Apple's user interface guidelines, the users would notice right away, and you would be one-moused so hard in MacWorld your business might never recover. (That's another quasi-lost thing about the Mac ecosystem: people liked paying for good quality software.)

Accordingly, it was accepted dogma to never, ever, ever use a "cross-platform UI framework" if you targeted Mac, because the cross-platform frameworks never got the fine details right, and the fine details mattered. It's called "polish", and it's something the open source world never got (thanks in no small part to fucking X windows and all its stupid "toolkits"), and now that open source and the web have eaten everything, the rest of the programming world has forgotten.

I think there is a competing interest where people want to be able to change platforms without relearning critical workflows.

I don't know about that.

Cohesive is important but what's also important is playing nice with the respective OS's design guidelines. For example, take dialog boxes and the order and positioning of "OK, Cancel" buttons.

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