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I spend a week in Manhattan and traffic and construction was all I saw on the other hand. Might be an emperor has no clothes situation for locals. It took 2 hours to go through the holland tunnel and the gridlock didn't stop there because it dumps you out into one of the oldest street grids on the island. At the time of writing this comment that entire swirl of traffic that is the exit of that tunnel is gridlocking the bulk of soho and lower manhattan. I can hear it from a thousand miles a way.

And the construction, you can't deny the amount of construction going. A lot of it isn't even active work; contractors seemingly throw up scaffolding and let it sit forever because I guess the fines for letting scaffolding sit forever are cheaper than the costs of fixing crumbling masonry facades, so that is what is done. Don't get me started on the trash situation either, what an embarrassment that corrupt aspect of nyc life is.

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