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I'm assuming the logic is 'Israel has mandatory conscription, so every citizen has IDF ties', which feels like a bit of a stretch even if it's technically true.

It's not a stretch at all - especially when Israelis love to brag about it, but when called out on it, they deny at all costs.

The mandatory military service, which you mentioned, where most israeli citizens serve in the IDF, will naturally lead to connections between tech and the military.

There is also technology transfer i.e military technologies may be adapted for civilian use by startups e.g. Cybersecurity, AI, that's why the israeli military funds even civilian startups especially when they are "Dual-use technologies" i.e. technologies that have both military and civilian applications

It's also common sense to not trust startups in a nation where genocidal[0] sentiment has prevailed.

So you can see many israeli "civilian" businesses[1][2] assist & whitewash the genocidal onslaught willingly & enthusiastically.

[0] https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/how-israels-war-gaza-e...

[1] https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2023/10/28/wix-addressin...

[2] https://www.wix.com/app-market/stand-with-israel

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