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> Smash it, don’t rub it. Rubbing your muscles mainly just increases bloodflow, which is nice, but isn’t going to break up the years of fascia and adhesions or release chronically stiff muscles. You need to smash them instead.

This is true! Years ago, as a runner, I got hit with an IT band problem. It came on quite suddenly. Lots of pain on the right side of the knee. This just wouldn't go away and put a damper on the running. Half a lame mile and I wold be out.

This zero improvement situation went on for a month. I got fed up and so I went all kung-fu on that area. I massaged it very hard and tried to wrap my fingers around the fascia and yank it really hard this way and that.

Next day, I ran for a mile. No problem! Couldn't believe it. I cut it short at that to be safe. Day after that, two miles. Then 4, 8, ... and back in the game. I never "heard from" that body part ever again.

Very good! Can second that. I run alot and sometimes get knotty leg muscles/tendons. I've found for quad knots, the best way is to jam your elbow into the knot and hold until the muscle releases. For harder to reach areas like IT band then I use a massage gun with the pointy tip but you need to be careful not to bruise the area.

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