The debate megathreads on r/politics, r/moderatepolitics, r/politicaldiscussion, and I'm pretty sure also r/neoliberal and r/conservative stopped working about 30 minutes before the end of the debate.
Currently on all major political subreddits one can see threads that show a count of hundreds of post-debate comments, but no comments are visible if one tries to actually look at them. I don't know if one can access them through the API.
Not sure if this is a code issue or deliberate censorship due to Biden's performance. Occam's razor says a code issue.
> It broke because of /r/politics. When a discussion thread gets meaningfully past 30,000 comments, it starts to lag subsequent submissions to that thread, and then lag the entire site, until there's eventually a full chokeoff. The debate thread ballooned to an insane number of 56k before mods locked it, at which point the comments in there were 25 minutes behind realtime.
> Had the /r/politics mods locked the first thread and started a new one properly, it wouldn't have caused a sitewide issue. But this has been a problem since forever. It just rarely happens because there are rarely scenarios where enough people are commenting on a single specific thread so as to cause the cascade failure.