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There's a big difference: when the "wheels start falling off" Google stuff, plane-loads of people don't crash and burn to death.

It would be unfortunate if YouTube and Google Maps broke down and became unusable, of course, but no one's going to get killed by it.

I can think of at least a few scenarios where Search or Maps not working right could (indirectly) kill people.

Following bad directions can of course potentially get you killed (which is why you shouldn't blindly follow them). However, there are other navigation software providers out there, so if Google suddenly disappeared, people would be able to switch to those. If those alternatives give bad directions and get people killed, that's not Google's fault.

Google is completely fucking critical to our society. People would unironically die if it went down tomorrow.

No one's going to die because they can't watch YouTube videos.

I had a doctor Google-Image-Search some symptoms the other day in front of the patient. :-)

(And, death aside - if I could - I just want to bring up that it does not necesarily have to get to life and death to be dysfunctional or dangerous or inaceptable ...)

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