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They aren't having a whole lot of success then because they come across like a bunch of franchise fast food managers who accidentally parachuted into an engineering and manufacturing corp and haven't managed to find the bathrooms yet.

Just because they aren't having success in breaking the rules, doesn't mean they shouldn't be sanctioned for it.

In a parallel universe, with a friendlier press, they'd be quite successful at weaponizing public opinion in their favor.

No argument there. Of the many baffling things about the ongoing Boeing saga, why the executive wing of the company isn't hiding in a bunker in New Zealand while their lawyers try to fend off a zombie apocalypse of minority investor lawsuits is definitely a head-scratcher for me. There's also the quant notion of the government applying career-altering fines when corporations step out of line but it's been so long now that this is just a bitter memory for cranky olds.

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