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I agree, very nice.

I'm a truck driver. My analogy, zooming out a bit, is that the entire road system, at least the National Network, is a system of interconnecting and overlapping conveyor belts.

The trailers are trays on the belt.


Shipping containers are another genius-level invention - even better than wheels on luggage.

They used individual crates before!

Fun fact: inside many of the trailers you see, it's just manually loaded and stacked, and manually unloaded, individual boxes. No pallets.

Not most. But many.

Another fun fact: US/NATO logistics is pallet-based. Russian is largely not.

Unloading shells on a hot day in a "bucket brigade" must be fun.

True - still a lot better than painstakingly offloading a ship's cargo onto trains and trucks and vice versa, one crate at a time. All of civilization runs a good deal faster and better because of shipping containers

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