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It used to be an engineering and engineer company, back in its day.-

PS. Sadly, not only the company is falling (from grace. The planes are also. Apart.-

Ironic that the CEO that was substantially oversaw the development of Boeing as an "engineering company" was a lawyer.


You don't have to be an engineer to appreciate the value of engineering. Also, a lawyer is more likely to think about risk and liability first and "shareholder value" later.

I agree. But thought it was worth mentioning because I'm not so sure everyone repeating the engineering company line understands that.

Similarly, Boeing's decline is attributed quite frequently to the managerial descendants of Jack Welch. And Welch? Well he was... an engineer. A PhD in chemical engineering no less.

Sometimes (often times) comments here over simplify the reality that underlies the real issues that need to be addressed. I think it's worth while to break the stereotypes and charactures that often time get used in arguments to either iconize or demonize various groups, depending on the viewpoint of the speaker. That tendency is the real problem with modern discourse.

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