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Here's the full list: https://support.google.com/translate/answer/15139004.

Still no Ladino, for the however-many-people (one?) were hoping that they'd add it. (Ladino, for those wondering, is a Jewish language, kind of like how Yiddish is a hybrid of German and Hebrew but with Spanish instead. The challenge would be that it's sometimes written in the Latin alphabet and sometimes in the Hebrew alphabet, but maybe more people would want to start learning it if they knew it existed.)

> The challenge would be that it's sometimes written in the Latin alphabet and sometimes in the Hebrew alphabet, but maybe more people would want to start learning it if they knew it existed.)

This is true of Yiddish too, and it has probably a couple of million speakers. Wikipedia claims about 50K speakers of Ladino, about 25X the number of Manx speakers (I mention Manx as it's included in Google's new list)


if you mean languages of genociders than you’re 100% wrong and that’s disgusting. if you mean language of oppressed people who were genocided, well lots of those languages already exist in translate

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