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Yes, this is pretty much a conspiracy theory. There is little to add because you did not say anything substantial, but I also believe you cannot leave statements like these without a comment.

> Yes, this is pretty much a conspiracy theory.

Which part?

Unit 8200 as an incubator for tech startups is well-reported: https://www.calcalistech.com/tags/Unit_8200

The security complex intertwined with "hitech" and economy is well-tracked: https://www.calcalist.co.il/market/article/jh6p1lmcb

The intention of its most popular leaders to expand existing territories is well-studied: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2537218


> dissolution of Israel

I mostly read that as Paul calling for the head of tyrants, which is a positive thing for any country. If you read that as "dissolution of Israel", are you presuming Israel won't survive without its tyrants?

Just the founder of CircleCI listing some uncomfortable facts such that you instinctively derive the best resolution to it.

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