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So these "sleazy" lawyers are doing their job in fighting for their client.

It is not ethical to implicate Boeing in the headline when there is no alleged illegal or unethical behavior by them.

> When he raised these issues — first with Spirit management and then with Boeing’s ethics program — he was fired

Eh, at cursory glance it looks possible that Boeing has wrong doing. Perhaps we'll see an email come out of discovery from Boeing telling Spirit to solve the problem (of somebody raising complaints).

He reported Spirit's improper maintenance to Boeing which is the correct thing to do. Boeing investigated, which is also the proper thing to do.

It is not ethical to make allegations that depend on speculation that in the future there may be evidence for them.

All he has to do is show Spirit retaliated and Boeing is immediately implicated. "Because Mr. Cuevas served as a contractor for Spirit and subcontractor for Boeing and was directly employed by Strom, the Companies are liable for his retaliatory discharge under AIR21."

The complaint is against Boeing (they're literally listed under the "v" section) so its completely reasonable for somebody to report these documents as a complain by a new whistleblower against boeing.


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