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My mental model would be to decompose it into 3 dimensions and try to find some kind of superposition.

Dimension 1 - are you enjoying your work? Is your work meaninful? How does it affect your mental and physical health (either way)?

Dimension 2 - what are potential career opportunities if you continue with this company? Will you have a multi-digit exit? What are the chances? Again, how does it affect your mental and physical health (either way)?

Dimension 3 - can you continue and mend relationship with your cofounder? Is it a personal conflict or different world views? Can you change to accommodate their view? And, again how does it affect your mental and physical health (either way)?

Make an Euclidean sum of these vectors and see where it leaves you. Nothing is more important than health, but startups (and relationships) are often hard and grueling work, perhaps you enjoy it but need to put in the effort? Or you hate it and stay there out of guilt? Quantify and figure it out. Best of luck!

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