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> But it's made a HUGE difference in quality of life for me and I wouldn't choose to work fully remote even if I could

I feel the same. A normal 9-5 workers will be yelling about remote but once they started a remote work they will know it's not heaven at all. Especially if you try to organize anything

> For me this is muay thai (kickboxing), bicycling, hiking, camping, kayaking, board games, singing, and trivia.

This is what I'm missing right now. I started picking up my guitar again but there are no way to make new friends to play together.

And I also started programming since I was a child. I still remember writing my first game ( a horse gamble one lmao) and sharing it with friends. It will be a cherished memory always, not because of the code. But the time spent with my classmates.

The one who "gambling horses" with me now lives in the Bay area chasing his American dream. Last time I visit him he showed up with his expesensive car. I don't even recognize his car model (I'm not a car person). And a friend of mine waved at me when we hanged out. He seemed jealous. It's clear that money does not solve his loneliness.

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