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“We are now finding PFAS everywhere, but that it’s at levels above those allowed for human consumption in food — and wild boar meat and offal is consumed by humans — is a worry,” Dr Müller explained.

Won’t it only get worse every year? Like carbon emissions?

PFAS have a long environmental half life (decades), but despite the nickname "forever chemicals" they don't literally persist forever. People can expect to see a drastic reduction in PFAS body burden when/if environmental emissions of these chemicals are slashed. For example, the US phased out production of the PFAS perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) with a series of legal actions starting in 2004:


As a result, blood levels of PFOA in the US population declined by 70% since the turn of the millennium:


If other PFAS are no longer emitted to the environment, levels in the human population can be expected to decline at a similar pace.

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