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uBlock Origin has blocklisted PolyfillIO in it's badware list (github.com/ublockorigin)
30 points by speckx 9 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I consider uBlock Origin to be my first line of defense against malware, with the lack of ads as a nice side effect.

The lack of ads is protection against malware, considering Google & Bing PPC ads have deeply contributed to the malware ecosystem.

Yeah that's my point. I meant the lack of visual (and sometimes audible!) noise they introduce.

I think that Issue # you linked was deleted by the repo owner, but the one below is related to the same issue and is still up:


for me they are both now behind a signin.

it doesnt take long.

i find it muchmore telling that it is being sanitized.

that givves me a reason to believe its intentional behavior

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