Hi HN! I am a 17-year old high school co-founder and I'm building an app that lets people effortlessly send and split payments between PayPal, Cash App, and Venmo (more platforms coming soon)! I initially came across this problem when I ran a Minecraft server with my friends in freshman year of high school. As our server size grew, we had to worry about how we were going to split the monthly bill. Some of my friends had PayPal, others only had Cash App, and ultimately, it was a hassle when collecting money from everyone. This led to me building PayBridge Technologies.
With PayBridge you can seamlessly transfer money between various payment apps without the hassle of multiple logins or steps. We also provide a centralized location where you can easily visualize who has paid you and with what payment method.
Right now transactions are slower (for verification purposes), but we are actively working on automating them to make them instant.
Start bridging today!
Quick demo of a transaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BRBuEt6wdA