>A considerably strong increase of electricity imports to Germany is seen from Poland. Starting at a lower level, the Polish electricity import rose by 400 percent in 2021, compared to previous year. [1]
..and that was / is coal power.
Media critical of the nuclear exit here in Germany pointed out that the immediate solution to the disappearence of German nuclear power from the network was to increase energy imports, namely more nuclear power from France and more coal power from Poland, which made the whole move even more questionable.
>A considerably strong increase of electricity imports to Germany is seen from Poland. Starting at a lower level, the Polish electricity import rose by 400 percent in 2021, compared to previous year. [1]
..and that was / is coal power.
Media critical of the nuclear exit here in Germany pointed out that the immediate solution to the disappearence of German nuclear power from the network was to increase energy imports, namely more nuclear power from France and more coal power from Poland, which made the whole move even more questionable.
[1] https://www.eupd-research.com/en/conventional-electricity-im...