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Yes, the USA is one of Germany's closest allies, but the reliablity of that partnership is now being put into question due to the USA's increasing protectionism (on both the left and right), and people's concerns about the potential of a second Donald Trump term (or someone Trump-like).

Because of this, EU countries are working rather hard to try and insulate themselves from potential changes in their relationship with the USA (hence the big focus on an EU military and strategic autonomy).

I mean, you put the US in the list with Russia and the Middle East. I suspect it was either unintentional or a bit of rhetorical flair, but that’s not a list we belong in, haha.

I get it, as I responded in the other comment the Germany and their EU partners share a fate. It’s definitely closer than EU/US. But the US/EU relationship is more like friendly competition than rivalry.

The reason I put the USA in that bucket is not because I thought the USA is some enemy of Germany or the EU. I put it in that list because the USA *is* a country that the EU needs to worry about withholding vital trade for its own political gain.

Because of that, it is a national security risk for EU countries to rely on the USA for critical energy inputs, in the same way as it is a national security risk for the EU to rely on Russia or the Middle East for energy inputs, in a way that just isn't true of fellow EU or EEA countries.

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