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Even if they had wanted to, it would not have been possible, as the required fuel rods could not simply be ordered. The operators were therefore also against continued operation

Other EU member countries are running their own NPPs just fine. Sounds like a problem with lack of motivation.

Nope, it is "problem" of past decisions. The past decision were, that 2022 should be the end date. All companies planed for that. You simply cannot change such decisions in an empty market. BTW the fuel is mostly coming from Kazakhstan. Does that ring a bell?

Scary Kazatomprom as a fuel source is an invented problem.

Nuclear fuel market is global with many producers. Fuel price is a tiny fraction of the nuclear electricity cost. Agree to a long-term contract at double today's price and there will be a line of companies running to sign it.

Cameco (and others) put some of their nuclear mining into conservation because there was not enough buyers. Uranium is one of the most abundant elements, the only reason for the shortage of fuel is the politicians reluctance to make nuclear a pillar of the energy production.

So buy it elsewhere? All I hear are excuses and why the current situation is someone else's fault, either previous governments or other countries because they wouldn't just shut up and die so Germany can have cheaper energy. Which they use to overproduce stuff and dump it in the rest of the EU, while calling everyone else lazy. Here's a hint, if your economy doesn't work unless you have the lowest energy prices in history, it's broken and needs to change.

> BTW the fuel is mostly coming from Kazakhstan. Does that ring a bell?

Then switch to Niger or Namibia (where France partly gets theirs from), or Canada, or Australia.

You certainly don't mean France

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