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The idea of declarative config is that empirically programmatic config was bad at scale.

If your config is the source of truth of what your infra should be, then you can use source control tools to roll back to a known good state, or to binary search for when a problem was introduced.

If you use programmatic config, then you can't find out the intended state of your system without executing a program. You can't grep through program executions in a meaningful way, especially at scale. So you can't do even simple things like search for a string.

Guaranteeing termination is helpful, but it doesn't solve the main problem that programmatic config puts a large complexity barrier between you and the ability to understand your infrastructure.

Tools like Helm give up a fair amount of this declarative benefit. And IMO that's one of the reasons why it's almost always a worse experience to use a helm chart than to just render the chart once and for all and forget Helm ever existed.

> The idea of declarative config is that empirically programmatic config was bad at scale.

Languages can be declarative or imperative. For instance, Pulumi and CDK are declarative.

> If you use programmatic config, then you can't find out the intended state of your system without executing a program. You can't grep through program executions in a meaningful way, especially at scale. So you can't do even simple things like search for a string.

I don’t understand — nothing stops a language from having an intermediate compilation step that shows the intended state and is searchable. Beyond that, programmatic config means you can add in hooks to make plans or runs more interrogatable.

> Guaranteeing termination is helpful, but it doesn't solve the main problem that programmatic config puts a large complexity barrier between you and the ability to understand your infrastructure.

It seems like this is untrue — having seen templated IaC that is hundreds of thousands of lines and cdk that defers that complexity to an abstraction that I have to understand once, I’d always take the latter.

Agreed that helm use is a giant mistake and liability.

If you restrict your language to pure functions only, then it is quite possible to have a system be both declarative and reproducible while having more expressivity than yaml.

and indeed, this is the approach that config-centric languages like Nickel[0] take.

[0]: https://nickel-lang.org/

The priority field in Nickel seems a lot like CSS weighting, though more explicit, I suspect it will cause headaches at scale.

I think codegen/compilation is a middle ground here. A higher level language like starlark can be compiled down to a set of instructions that provide the described guarantees.

This is how Pants (build system) works. You have declarative Starlark which supports basic programming semantics and this generates a state the engine reads and tries to produce.

I've been meaning to dive into jsonnet for a while but it'd be good to have a higher level representation that didn't rely on sophisticated templating and substitution engines like current k8s.

Compare k8s to Terraform where you have modules, composability, variables. These can be achieved in k8s but you need to layer more tooling on (kustomize, helm, etc). There could be a richer config system than "shove it in YAML"

Things like explicit ordering and dependencies are hard to represent in pure yaml since they're ",just text fields" without additional tools

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