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Thanks for clarifying your inputs.

> This misses the point, what we need is something more like Terraform, which has a way to get dynamic information from resource values that are assigned by the system. One such example would be the secret that the postgres operator generates for connecting in the api server that needs access.

It is also already possible to inject values from secrets during runtime. You can for example create a Glasskube package that has a dependency on cnpg and add a `cluster.yaml` to your package and then dynamically patch the connection string (or credentials) from it to your deployment.

See the "ValueFrom" section of our configuration documentation for the exact inner workings: https://glasskube.dev/docs/design/package-config/

> See the "ValueFrom" section of our configuration documentation

... this is what we have today, how do I know what value to patch in from, like what is the name of the secret?

Looking at that link makes me think this is like another layer of helm on helm, especially with the same go template values in yaml that are going to be fed into helm templates under the hood.

Putting more yaml on top of templated yaml is not the way to create the next package manager for k8s.

Agreed, this makes little sense to me.

Fundamentally there’s no such thing as a k8s “package”. OLM is great for packaging operators, but I don’t see why we need yet another Helm.

It was a mistake that shouldn’t be repeated.

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