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Google is currently within the last month suffering from an appearance of being juvenile; and I would not be surprised if it’s causing concern that something is wrong with their mindset.

The last example of this was the Marc Rebillet performance at Google I/O. The mother of all cringe.

If it was just one employee having fun - whatever! Who cares! My point should be taken in context with the rest of Google’s juvenile image problems, even as they play with fire.


Edit: Also, for those still not following me on the profile image, it’s because it’s kink: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40791195

I work in games, so this doesn't even phase me. I don't particularly care what people think of my maturity as long as the money keeps flowing in.

>"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

― C.S. Lewis

“An atheist can’t find God for the same reason a thief can’t find a policeman.” — C.S. Lewis

But seriously, Lewis was not a fan of immaturity. “Childish” endeavors is one thing like fairy tales - but do you think even children would like the Google IO performance?

> The last example of this was the Marc Rebillet performance at Google I/O. The mother of all cringe

You're complaining about the warmup entertainment at a tech conference???

In case you didn't know, HN stands for Hater News and as the old saying goes, "haters gonna hate"

Juvenility is not on the top ten list of problems with Google that are worth worrying about.

If this is my vendor that my business is relying on, and they approved nonsense like the above or like this, why the heck would I trust their judgement?


I wouldn’t trust the person who made the above to drive me to the gas station.

You're free to your values and decisions, but Google is the progenitor and linchpin of surveillance capitalism and comparatively I can't find it in me to be bothered that they put on silly shows.

There's a point to be made that these silly little shows are what let Google promote a self-image that they are some ineffectual, twee organization like a local art collective, and it's this mild image that let's Google manufacture spyware without more intense scrutiny. It's subterfuge, and two sides of the same coin.

That's got to be one of the worst presentations I've seen in the last year.

Who green lights garbage like that?

At least there weren’t any ducks, unlike last year:


It's serving as both a demo of their generative AI and is an entertainment pre-show. It's not meant to be a presentation or deeply informative.

Crowd clapping on the 1 and 3 is a nice confirmation that the crew has zero fucking rhythm.

It's a performance, not a presentation.

boomer moment

I cringe more about the terrible "serious" design decisions Goog and friends are shoving through the IETF like HTTP/3 based on their QUIC. Their new HTTP protocol basically is designed only for corporate use cases to the deteriment of "juvenile" human person use cases. Their actions are super serious even if their words and appearance are not. And it's a problem.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but quic has been really great to work with and solved a lot of problems in places other than http for me personally

I'm not saying HTTP/3 is bad for the type of things people get paid to do. I'm saying it's bad for the type of things people chose to do without being paid. For example, it's impossible to connect to a website with HTTP/3 that does not have a CA TLS cert (and all HTTP/3 libs in major browsers are compiled with self-signing disabled). That means it's impossible to host a visitable website (by random people) without getting the continued permission from a third party corporation (there are no CAs included in browsers that are run by human persons, there are only corporate and government CAs).

This is extremely sensible for for-profit corporation and institutional practices. But it makes hosting a website from home far, far more complex, fragile and gives all websites a very short lifetime (just months) without continued active mantainence. Normal HTTP+HTTPS websites are visitable forever without doing anything. And that's ignoring the problems of CA centralization and censorship. Having to ask permission from a corporation to host a website is absurd. It is not required in HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2.

HTTP+HTTPS is the most robust and accepted solution to CA TLS problems but HTTP/3 doesn't allow it.

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