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Not the whole market at the high end either, I have very little trouble getting any pair of Balmain, Versace, and Rick Owens sneaker I want - I have several dozen pairs of all three brands

Strategy at the high end is to price correctly but astronomically so almost no one can afford them, then offer seasonal sales to sell the less popular colorways or styles off to the aspirational upper poor.

Nike/Adidas is like the polar opposite, intentionally underprice so demand is frantic and there is a lot of action for middle men, then over the years try to steal back as much of the middle men profit as possible

All very interesting imo

> I have several dozen pairs of all three brands

I guess different colors? I've always wondered, what do people with 50+ pairs of shoes do? Surely most of them just gather dust.

> price correctly but astronomically

Based on materials or cost of labor, I doubt it's correct pricing. It's all artificial scarcity due to branding, I'm fairly sure.

Indeed, I have exactly one pair of sneakers. When they wear out I buy a new pair. I usually spend $50-100

There's a whole ecosystem for used nike shoes. https://www.youtube.com/@Ramitheicon gets over 500k each video and he's got a physical storefront where he trades cash to kids for their used nike shoes. There's so much hype for these shoes from NBA players, tik tok, instagram, and youtube.

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