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Do you think commodity markets are "price gouging", given that prices there are dictated by supply and demand, which is essentially "surge pricing"? eg. Russia invades Ukraine -> oil prices go up

Commodity markets are essentially auctions. That's a completely different thing. I do think if we conducted retail sales using that model, it would be very damaging to most real people.

>I do think if we conducted retail sales using that model, it would be very damaging to most real people.

Is that really the case? Gas prices change daily and are closely correlated with crude oil prices.

> Gas prices change daily and are closely correlated with crude oil prices.

I think you missed the first part of the comment where they addressed that:

>Commodity markets are essentially auctions. That's a completely different thing.

I don't think I missed anything. Gas prices fluctuate multiple times per day, and it's unclear how it's "very damaging to most real people", contrary to what OP claims. Moreover, gas prices aren't "essentially auctions", so I don't see how the "That's a completely different thing" excuse applies. Finally, the person only mentions that it's "completely different", but failed to explain why that's relevant.

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