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If I know that the guy who came to the same supermarket as me got his water cheaper just because he got there ten minutes earlier, how much do you think I feel like shopping at that place?

what about the price changing once you've picked up the item? I'd honestly consider endorsing a law that says pricing can not automatically change more than X/day.

I think a rule which says that once a price changes, the POS system must universally use the lower price for the next two hours (for the largest supermarkets, maybe 1 hour for a mid-sized, and 30m for a small metro sized shop) would be appropriate.

So, if a price increases it’s very unlikely a customer who has seen the lower price will be charged it, and if a price lowers, it must be implemented instantly.

What if they were emailed a coupon and you were not? This already happens. People will get used to it.

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