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I think mind uploading will happen first, and tbh i dont care about my carbon copy

What would your uploaded mind do in a non-corporeal state? Besides likely go insane?

In Cory Doctorow's Walkaway, a human's mind is uploaded to a computer after her death. Except, the scan of her brain is not perfect, because physics. So, the uploaded mind keeps going insane every few hours/day. And the researchers keep trying to play with the simulation parameters to try to stabilize it/her.

Answer questions on some website to make AfterLife currency to buy new skins, I imagine.

Is there Steam in the non corporeal world? I could finally catch up on all these unplayed games in my library.

I imagine that an uploaded mind in a non-corporeal state would have unprecedented opportunities for exploration

who said i d be noncorporeal? There are many kinds of corpora

I've watched a playthrough of SOMA, no thanks.

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