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What about the obvious middle position, where the FDA continues to do everything it does and labels drugs as safe and effective, but then theres also non-FDA approved stuff that won't be labeled as FDA approved and you can do it if you want.

The middle of the road solution: let quacks scam desperate people suffering from incurable diseases, as long as the quacks don't put the wrong kind of label on their snake oil bottle.

That’s already established.

It’s called alternative medicine/homeopathy/etc.

That's also deplorable. Herbal supplements too.

>theres also non-FDA approved stuff that won't be labeled as FDA approved and you can do it if you want.

I assume (even if you didn't realize it) that you mean the $100 Billion plus/year dietary supplements market[0]? That's already (and has been for centuries) in place.

[0] https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/dietary-...

If drugs are failing clinical trials, why should they be allowed to be made and consumed at all?

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