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yes, poor people prosper when international megacorps pay them minimum wage to chop down all their trees. the corp keeps all the profit, and moves on when the trees are gone, and usually leaves a bunch of pollution behind. That's why old mining towns in the appalachians are so prosperous!

Confident assertions in this post:

- Loggers were only paid minimum wage.

- International megacorps controlled the whole American logging business.

- Every single trees were chopped down, without any replanting. Because... international megacorps hate future profits?

- Being international (non American), the megacorps made sure to leave pollution behind.

- Old Appalachian mining towns were also ravaged by the same internationalist forces.

> and moves on when the trees are gone

Is that how the timber industry works?

I think you are unintentionally proving their point. We tightened regulations and have just exported pollution to dictatorships (e.g., CCP). If city folks just do local bans without similar import bans, what is the point?

> yes, poor people prosper when international megacorps pay them minimum wage to chop down all their trees

Or, why not let the poor people decide for themselves? In your story, the only illegal thing the megacorp did was pollution. Why didn't existing laws address that?

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