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Show HN: LearningStory – AI-Generated Tales for Bonding and Learning with Kids (learningstory.co.uk)
3 points by DavidGarioch 89 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hi Hacker News,

I'm excited to introduce LearningStory, an AI-powered platform that creates personalised stories for children based on a specified learning topic.

I am a new dad to a 10 week old boy who was born 9 weeks early. When babies are born this early, they require extensive medical support, so he spent the first six weeks of his life in hospital.

During this time, I found reading him stories to be a wonderful bonding experience. I especially loved stories that taught us something new.

This got me thinking about all the things I'd like him to learn as he grows up and how amazing it would be to have storybooks that make learning fun and simple. This was the inspiration behind LearningStory.

I'm new to software development, but I wanted to try to make and launch my idea quickly. I managed to build this in 4 weeks but it took some long days!

I would really just love any feedback you guys can offer that might help with future products. Also any support on Product Hunt would be greatly appreciated:


Thanks everyone,


This is an amazing achievement to get this built and launched with a new baby to look after!

Thanks Andy! Much appreciated! :)

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