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I always found it odd that sites like Reddit were sometimes called social bookmarking sites. I don’t know anyone using Reddit the way people used del.icio.us.

You could give https://raindrop.io a look. I tried it briefly when I missed del.icio.us. It didn’t stick for me, but your mileage may vary.

Hi al_borland. My name is Esse and I just developed a tool that helps organize my bookmarks. I also had the same concern with raindrop tool, so I developed this tool. I would appreciate it if you gave it a spin and maybe gave me a recommendation. Thank you. https://quickbookmarks.site/

My email is ovief72@gmail.com Thanks again

Especially the tag bundles.

Hi Marssaxman. My name is Esse and I just developed a tool that helps organize my bookmarks. I also had the same concern which was why I developed this tool. I would appreciate it if you gave it a spin and maybe gave me a recommendation. Thank you. https://quickbookmarks.site/

My email is ovief72@gmail.com Thanks again

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