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Ask HN: How to ideate small projects which HN community find fun and worthy?
2 points by badrunaway 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I don't think you should aim to create something they find fun and that's it.

HN should be a place to showcase what you're doing and why you're doing it. not becoming the center of attention for your creations.

Got it. 'Finding Fun' is one good metric.

I have actually a lot of free time and I want to build things that people love.

A version of this, https://hckrnews.com/ , with nightmode and filters would probably get you some upvotes, but life is short and I think you should focus on something that makes you money or your relationships, not fleeting internet fame.

yea - but that won't satisfy me. Upvote is sort of one metric on how much novel your work is? something like that.

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