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Most of the time we are communicating (internal monologue) with ourselves which I’m sure shapes our thoughts. I’d guess a large percentage of that is through a language.

In fact languages codify a community’s culture, values, a way of life all of which go way beyond communication.

Imo the internal monologue is often about summarizing or sorting out something, while I’ve already figured it out non-verbally. Like a verbal confirmation. Though sometimes the internal monologue is about processing something and figuring stuff out.

> Though sometimes the internal monologue is about processing something and figuring stuff out

Indeed. And my non-expert assertion was that our brain doesn't compartmentalise between communication and thought processing. Our thoughts are getting shaped even as we are verbalising something. IMO it's a continuous stream of chatter of jumbled up things a part of which gets used to create/shape our thoughts.

Agreed. I used to think (haha) that I was thinking the thoughts I as thought them verbally, but as of late, I've come to realise that I've already had the thought as a sort of a series of perceptual flashes or traces, and when I think I'm thinking, I'm merely verbalising what I've already internally "perceived".

Lot's of people (me included) do not have persistent internal monologues.

Sure. But when you do have it, would it be fair to say it does shape your thoughts, no matter how small?

Yes, but it is not my primary mode of thinking.

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