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I'm sure you don't mean this, but it sounds a lot like you are saying that it is a child's fault when they get sexually abused and don't tell anyone about it.

That happens all the time to children, they are groomed both offline and online. It's a real problem, and it isn't going to be solved by saying we just need smarter children.

I'm guessing this mismatch is a question of differing life views/philosophies; as a general rule, for me, it is absolutely my responsibility as a parent to educate my daughter to make sure she can evaluate risk "properly" and then, it is on her* to decide how to manage that, always knowing that are people out there that will attempt to harm you.

This clearly means that we sometimes will get it wrong but, in my mind, you will not reduce those risks with a technical solution as this applies to all facets of your life, online or otherwise, and you will be opening doors that can backfire too much.

*age matters a lot but that is a different discussion by itself

Looking at an extreme case, do you think it would be reasonable to make guns available to all children, at all ages, and trust children and parents to ensure that everyone is safe?

If not (and I'm assuming not, let me know if you do think that's reasonable!), there is some space for laws which restrict children, in return for increasing their safety -- we just have to discuss where that line should be.

> I'm sure you don't mean this, but it sounds a lot like you are saying that it is a child's fault when they get sexually abused and don't tell anyone about it.

That is valuable feedback. Thank you. I'll try to improve my choice of words.

> it isn't going to be solved by saying we just need smarter children.

Agree. We need better education, which does not require smarter children. And to achieve a better education, we as a society need to talk more about how abuse can happen and where red lines, that our children can understand, have to be drawn

You are right, while we might disagree one some things (do children need end-to-end encryption), I do, I think, all want to figure out how to make sure all children end up happy and safe, and I don't think we know the best way to achieve that.

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