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Yeah well, sorry, but I have little patience anymore for philosophical word games. My views are especially not formed by marketing teams: ChatGPT hardly has one. My views are formed via direct experience and paper reading.

Imagine going back in time five years and saying "five years from now there will be a single machine that talks like a human, can imagine creative new artworks, write Supreme Court judgements, understand and display emotion, perform music and can engage in sophisticated enough reasoning to write programs. Also, HN posters will claim it's not really intelligent". Everyone would have laughed. They'd think you were making a witticism about the way people reclassify things as not-really-AI the moment they actually start to work well, a well known trope in the industry. They wouldn't have thought you were making a prediction of the future.

At some point, what matters is outcomes. We have blown well past the point of super-intelligent outcomes. I really do not care if GPT-4o "thinks" or does not "think". I can go to chatgpt.com right now and interact with something that is for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from super-intelligence ... and everything is fine.

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