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ADHD forums are notorious for this. I do not personally moderate this way. Everyone’s opinions should be valid if they respect others. No one’s problems are any more special than anyone else’s, and if someone is displaying that type of behavior, they probably don’t belong in a support group.

ADHD in particular is further complicated by the fact that there are many, many drug seekers that game the system and even fool themselves. Even worse these drug seekers have collectively done alot to create scarcity in a limited supply of a class of drugs that many people think they need to survive - (i am making no comment about the efficacy of adhd meds) - so strong violent opinions are evoked (understandably). That is why these rules are in place. People simply cannot discuss the subject rationally. I do not try to involve myself in those communities, but many of the Autism spectrum disorder communities and depression support groups don’t suffer similar issues and people that try to gatekeep are promptly scolded. I do acknowledge adhd forums are a unique place for the reasons I mentioned above.

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