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I always set up the same event, at the same place, etc, yet it's hard to just say "use all the values from the previous one". It doesn't have many ways to communicate with members, so I've set up a Discord server instead, which is fine. The UI is a bit confusing if you need to do anything other than set up an event. Most crucially of all, members complain that emails don't reach them, which is terrible, because then they don't know to come to the event.

A push notification system would be nice, but...

> yet it's hard to just say "use all the values from the previous one"

Whaa- I'm kind of amazed they don't have this given how easy it would be to add.

I just added this exact feature to Radius because our event form was growing and becoming quite painful to fill out - it's just a dropdown with previous events at the top of the event form, nothing complex, but a huge time saver.

Why improve the product when you can coast on your brand's previously earned credibility until you sell again?!

(/s, just in case)

That’s adobe’s whole biz model. It works really well

Adobe has some top-tier software though and they keep improving it. It's like a senior leader at my company said - "Oracle's a terrible company but their stuff works". This was during a discussion of another company's software that was also a black box and didn't even work well.

Top tier software from a functionality standpoint, but not from a usability standpoint.

In my experience, oracle stuff barely works too, unless you pay for extra support that is.

You can copy events and set up repeating events. I do this all the time.

Maybe they added this recently, my meet-up has been on hiatus and just started up again. This definitely wasn't a thing up until a year or so ago, though.

I've been running meetups for 15 years and it's been a feature as long as I can remember.

Seems like shit UI is a possible culprit here.


Edit: or maybe they were in the middle of rolling out the feature and the string of buyouts started...

I do similar, but there is a "Copy event" button that I can use (and then just change the date). Is that available for you?

Don't think I have anything super premium, but am an organiser of the group

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