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> This need to measure everything is almost pathological.

What's pathological is the tendency to see everything in black or white, right or wrong. There are many different causes for fatigue and tiredness: the flu, atypical depression, chronic fatigue, etc. But those conditions can overlap with depression. Putting the symptoms through a sieve by eliminating some causes helps pinpoint the origin (I over-simplify of course).

edit: this complaint about measuring things is a bit surprising considering what needed to be measured so this article https://christianbonanno.substack.com/p/what-caused-my-menta... (edit: interesting reading btw) could be written ?

> Putting the symptoms through a sieve by eliminating some causes helps pinpoint the origin (I over-simplify of course).

That is nothing close to what they are doing. Do you think they are going to be giving these scans to everyone that walk in with fatigue and/or depression? I cannot even get to see a rheumatologist and I am disabled with schizoaffective disorder.

You said it. The fact that they are just looking at the brain when it comes to mental illness, is, well, insane.

If one becomes "depressed" when sick, why not investigate the immune dysregulation in depression?

The only way out of a mental illness is personalized medicine but that is something no one care enough to provide.

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