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BBCode (wikipedia.org)
36 points by pjerem 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Wow, I had completely forgotten about this.

I spent years of my life writing text like this, and the first large programming project I ever worked on was building my own PHP forum software for fun. It never went anywhere, of course, but I learned a ton.

Forums are starting to make a bit of a comeback. Google did an algo update a while ago and a lot of forums picked up some traffic. Reddit got a big bump as well.

Same here. Total blast from the past.

Markdown has obviously replaced it. And Reddit has, for better or worse, replaced the phpBB boards of old. But man, I miss this era.

All these years later I still can’t remember the Markdown syntax for images and linked text, but BBCode is burned into my brain

For some reason, this is the default for text UI elements in Godot[0]. Not Markdown or even HTML and CSS but this ancient markup format that died with forums ages ago. It probably doesn't matter for 99.9% of use cases, and most games probably just use sprites for UI anyway, but it does make more complex uses like parsing the HTML from HN's API a pain in the ass.


Been using this for decades. One forum I frequent has just upgraded. I think it uses xenforo, but things like [quote] have worked fine.

Some things (quite, spoiler, but strike through too for example) have always been tricky to find in the gui editor, much easier to type square brackets

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