Because op’s usage of base implies base + stock. including a place where base = total comp is really misleading and is just being unnecessarily pedantic about terminology.
OP is correct that a base cash of 400k is truly rare if you’re talking about typical total comp packages where 50% is base and 50% is stock.
I don’t know what point you’re trying to make other than being super pedantic. This was a discussion about how OpenAI’s base of 400k is unique within the context of a TCO in the 800-900k range. It is. That quantfi and Netflix offer similar base because that’s also their TCO is a silly argument to make.
> This was a discussion about how OpenAI’s base of 400k is unique within the context of a TCO in the 800-900k range.
That's not how I interpret the conversation.
I see a claim that 900k is a BS number, a counterargument that many big AI companies will give you 400k of that in cash so the offers are in fact very hot, then a claim that only finance offers 400k cash, and a claim that netflix offers 400k cash.
I don't see anything that limits these comparisons to companies with specific TCOs.
Even if the use of the word "base" is intended to imply that there's some stock, it doesn't imply any particular amount of stock. But my reading is that the word "base" is there to say that stock can be added on top.
You're the one being pedantic when you insist that 400k cash is not a valid example of 400k cash base.
Notice how the person being replied to looked at the Netflix example and said "Okay that's true". They know what they meant a lot better than you do.
ok so the conversation starts out with 900k TCO with 400k in cash, a claim that that’s BS and then morphs into a discussion about a TCO of 400k all cash being an example of equivalent compensation to OpenAI packages?
Nobody said it was equivalent. The subdiscussion was about whether you can even get that much cash anywhere else, once TCO got pulled apart into cash and stock to be compared in more detail.
Again, the person that made the original claim about where you can get "400k cash base" accepted the Netflix example. Are you saying they're wrong about what they meant?