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> may be thinking of socialism

This makes no sense on multiple levels. Socialisation is a system, nationalisation an act.

> Nationalization can be involve control instead of ownership

There are zero legal scholars or historians who consider break-up orders nationalisation. Because at that point, every merger denial or FDA approval is also nationalisation.

> Socialisation is a system, nationalisation an act.

Socialism, the system, requires widespread nationalization in the form of both control and ownership of assets.

> There are zero legal scholars or historians who consider break-up orders nationalisation.

Again, nationalization is taking state ownership or control. A forcible government breakup of an organization is clear state control of it, albeit for a brief period.

Thought experiment:

Venezuela, instead of outright confiscation, chooses instead to leave shareholders in possession of their shares in oil production. They install state-selected management and impose a 100% tax on profits. Is this nationalization?

> forcible government breakup of an organization is clear state control of it

You’re defining control in a way that extends to all regulation.

The AT&T break-up has been heavily cited and written about. Do you have a single expert who agrees with your claim that it constituted nationalisation? (Let’s even assume AT&T was actually ordered to break up, versus voluntarily doing so to settle a lawsuit.)

> instead of outright confiscation, chooses instead to leave shareholders in possession of their shares in oil production. They install state-selected management and impose a 100% tax on profits.

Now remove the confiscation of profits and selection of state-selected management.

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