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I have never ever before in my whole life seen anyone, either online or offline, under any circumstance, seen someone point to something good the EU did and claim it as an example of socialism working. It's simply not socialist.


Every nation in the EU has their own healthcare system.

I live in the Netherlands. I pay more than 150 euros per month out of my own pocket for health insurance (it's mandatory to have one and they are in this price range), and even though I pay that much per month, I still have to pay the first 385 euros out of my own pocket if I go to the doctor for anything.

I fucking wish that healthcare was socialized.

And do you know what I get for this price. Access to a private GP that will at most give you some ibuprofen before they send you home.

The EU doesn’t own a healthcare system. Member states do and they all work differently. Get educated.

Take a step back and read more, you're all over this thread, embarrassing yourself.

"Socialized healthcare" is not "socialist healthcare", in fact a fundamentally capitalist society would benefit from socialized healthcare simply because the state subsidizing the health of workers benefits the owning class...

Healthcare is a matter for individual countries in Europe and its organisation varies a lot.

For instance, in the UK the NHS is indeed in essence a socialist construct. But in France GPs are all private practices and the system is essentially a mandatory insurance.

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