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The only place I find the complexity of message queues worth the trouble is in the embedded world. The limited resources make messaging a sensible way to communicate across devices with a fairly agnostic perspective on what runs on the devices apart from the message queue.

Most of us in the desktop computing world don't actually need the distribution, reliability features, implementation-agnostic benefits of a queue. We can integrate our code very directly if we choose to. It seems to me that many of us didn't for a while because it was an exciting paradigm, but it rarely made sense in the places I encountered it.

There are certainly cases where they're extremely useful and I wouldn't want anything else, but again, this is typically in settings where I'm very constrained and need to talk to a lot of devices rather than when writing software for the web or desktop computers.

As for your last point, the Internet of Things is driven by message queues (like MQTT), so depending on the type of work you're doing, message queues are all over the place but certainly not exciting to write about. It's day-to-day stuff that isn't rapidly evolving or requiring new exciting insights. It just works.

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