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While I've family in both Chicago and San Diego it's been a much longer time since I've visited Chicago. So it's much easier for me to point out that SoCal (e.g. Surf City and Santee) has struggled with neo-nazis for a long time than it is for me to comment on the midwest with much authority. Although to be fair, it's a Chicago relative that got written up by the Tribune for being obscenely racist and violent.

I don't think it's particularly reasonable to paint black neighborhoods as uniquely or even inherently segregated. One of the things I loved about Oakland was how diverse it is across pretty much any criteria (economic, cultural, gender, racial, etc.). Even in the hills. And that's something sorely missing from San Francisco (and most parts of the Bay Area).

Someone (upper manhattan born and raised) once commented to me that they felt New York City was quite segregated. From their POV whatever integration you see is a result of folks commuting for (typically service industry) work. At the end of the day they'd just return home to their segregated communities.

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