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Is there a decent tutorial or book on getting over the hill? I can do some basic stuff in it but it's just not catching like other languages do.

My personal favorite resource is "R for Data Science" by Hadley Wickham. It covers lots of nice data manipulation and visualization examples, and provides a good introduction to the tidyverse, which is a particular dialect of R that's well-suited for data analysis. It's available for free at:


For more specialized analytical methods there are lots of textbooks out there that provide a deep dive into packages for a specific field (e.g. survival analysis, machine learning, time series), but for general data manipulation and visualization it's hard to beat R4DS.

[1] will give you a more programming language-focused perspective, as opposed to many other R books.


[1] https://adv-r.hadley.nz/

An option to the Hadley book that also covers some nice statistical methods is Statistical Rethinking by McElreath. Not really available for free though but interesting read.

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