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OpenXR says hi.

Um, okay. I have never heard of this, so for others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenXR

After that, again, if only a single device has features that no other device has, what's this "open" going to do for you?

> Um, okay. I have never heard of this

Then maybe you shouldn't make assumptions about what is and isn't possible with VR and AR. OpenXR is literally ground-floor level stuff, if you follow VR in any capacity outside Apple marketing. Apple can cover stuff like this while also supporting unique features; they literally just did it with WebXR.

This makes me laugh. Clearly, you know nothing about me to suggest I know nothing other than Apple's propaganda about VR. But you go ahead and keep making assumptions about people. The connections you miss because you assumed wrong will be on you


That's like saying someone that doesn't use React doesn't know shit about UI/UX. React is just a tool to use, but it's not the only tool. To assume someone not using OpenXR doesn't know anything about VR/AR is myopic at best


If you work with javascript but haven't heard of Google Chrome, I'd be suspicious.

Or Typescript.

Uh, all established VR headsets support it?

I mean the support is technically in the browser, not the VR headset - but still...

If they don't have the sensors....

I'm not talking about VisionPro supporting OpenXR. I'm talking about OpenXR having the support for the sensors. If it has it, that's impressive since no other headset has the same sensors to the level of the VisionPro

OpenXR supports cameras, IR, LiDAR, and LED sensors - everything that the VisionPro has. Whether or not it supports the specific sensors Apple chose is entirely up to Apple.

Great, where's your OpenXR app that takes advantage of the VisionPro's sensors to make a great example of how amazing OpenXR truly is? No? Where's anyone else's?

Open XR supports sensors like the apple vision pro has. They never said the vision pro supports it.

I don't own one so I can't verify, but the linked Wikipedia article already makes me doubt it can, as safari isn't based on chromium.

I.e YouTube let's you watch immersive 3d 180° videos right in the browser (though very few are available on the platform, as almost nobody got VR headsets). There are also other smaller indie games.

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