I guess for most people it doesn't matter. Emails are not end to end encrypted, and nobody complains. Messengers of the past were also not encrypted. And I guess it's still not hard to build apps that encrypt messages client side with the public key of the recipient. This law affects major players like whatsapp, so it makes it less convenient for people who want total secrecy, but not impossible.
There's a difference in that there's currently no central agency with access to _everyone's_ communication (depending on how the AI is configured and what's considered dangerous or not for the moment), and with/connected-to political power.
People have voted actors as mayors and even presidents, the tyranny of the masses is never a solid reason to justify something. It's even a worse combination when the politicians who pass such laws usually are exempt from them.
They try and try over and over again. We have to stand against such measures. Client-side scanning of all input is grotesk. It is literally what Windows is implementing with Recall now.
More recent discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40710993